
Showing posts from January, 2024

WEEK 5!!

BCHE 2123: Assessment and Observation for Early Childhood Education (E-Portfolio) January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) Welcome to my e-portfolio!! Today, I'll share how to assess the children.✨✨ ❣ This morning, madam asked us to arrange tables in groups to make it easier to do discussions and learning sessions. ❣ She also provided us 3 types of books for us to refer to and read. HOW TO ASSESS THE STUDENT? ❣ There are 4 ways on how to assess the students. 🙈 TEST 🙈 MEASUREMENT 🙈 EVALUATE 🙈 ASSESSMENT 🎈 Types of test - Standardized Test: These tests have set administration, scoring, and interpretation procedures. They are often used to compare children's performance to a normative sample. - Examples test: Stanford-Binet test  🎈 Types of measurement  - Objective measurement:  based on concrete, observable facts or criteria independent of individual judgment or interpretation. Objective measures are typically quantitative and can be standardized across different observers or contexts. T

WEEK 4!!

BCHE 2123: Assessment and Observation for Early Childhood Education (E-Portfolio) January 23, 2024 (Tuesday) Welcome to my e-portfolio!! Today, I'll share about Assessment in Learning.✨✨ ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING ❣ What is assessment for learning? Assessment for learning (AFL) is an approach to teaching and learning that creates feedback, which is used to improve students' performance. Students become more involved in the learning process and gain confidence in what they are expected to learn and to what standard. ❣ There are three types of assessment in learning: diagnostic, formative, and summative. Mrs. Dini explained how diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments are used. ❣ Speaking of assessments, our lecturer introduces us to one of the assessment activities. ❣ Here is the link our lecturer, Mrs Dini, provided for us to access and find out our personality test!😚 📍 📍 ❣ MBTI is a self-report questionnaire ident

WEEK 3!!

BCHE 2123: Assessment and Observation for Early Childhood Education (E-Portfolio) January 16, 2024 (Tuesday) Welcome to my e-portfolio!! Today, I'll share about Assessment and Observation.✨✨ CHAPTER 1: ASSESSMENT & OBSERVATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION What is assessment? ❣  Assessment in early childhood education is the  ongoing process   of gathering information about a child's  development and learning . What is observation? ❣ O bservation is the  intentional and focused  process of  watching, listening, and documenting  children's behaviour, interactions, activities, and interests. WEEK 3 ACTIVITY: OBSERVE CHILDREN TOY 🎈 Select and take one toy in the stimulation room and observe the toy in the group. 🎈 Our group chose a baby toy and observed the baby toy.  🎈 Discuss in a group the benefits and weaknesses of the toy also, record what the toy looks like. 🎈 Do a presentation about the toy's benefits and weaknesses using the baby toy. ❣ Our group's opini